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means that there
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Grateful for contributions, or sponsorship agreements.
Open Swedish swish for scanning
song I discovered in 1963, think it has a point in my life.
Know that I will not be shown that way before life ends.
It was the back of Emil Ford at Grönan. Front
a nurse in the
United States, realized that vitamin B12 is of great importance
in human health.
Just as my thoughts and knowledge were questioned about B12's impact
on my health, so was she.
But in the end she got some confirmation that she was right.
Far down the page there is a film that shows that inserting B12
saves the lives of heart patients! Or here link
to News TMJ4
My fight with life, present
tense, and out of health!
Here are
quick links to get to the story faster,
can be good if you have read before
To jump
in tha text!
Both work, health and coexistence have traveled in different
One thing is certain! I will never give up!
life can change in a few hours!
Losing Behepan (injectable vitamin B12), was a disaster. The
17 years of medical maltreatment were back in the form of
anxiety and depression, but without drugs and addiction. The
alternative was nothing that worked for me. It has been worked
for me to get something else. But for strange reasons it took
3 months. Not the doctor's fault. But I may have put him through
some complaints in the meantime, my mood! But the fact that
I have an anemia that the world outside the Regional Health
Service considers to be far too low does not make matters
any better. Research in Sweden and abroad says that the reference
values health care has set in certain situations are not at
all what promotes health as a whole. Wholeness has also become
a victim in healthcare! The body is a whole and so much is
connected and affects other things than what the care wants
to see. Hipotyreos?
But anyway, my reaction was exactly what I experienced before
and what I hoped for, now I just hope it lasts longer than
a week, hopefully two months.
am going ahead with claims for treatment of the anemia!
everyone gets that result in their persistence to get the
right care!
has the sequel been???
It's a Disaster! ! !
now been eating iron tablets for a long time. I haven't had
any results with sleep and fatigue! We will only find out
what the values look like on August 12. In my anger at the
nonchalant attitude towards me and my problems, I thought
"shit" in continued contact with care. But anger
must not rule life. An anger that in many ways comes from
the feeling the B12 deficiency now creates. The belief was
that the effect would last for 2 months. I note that I burned
the depot. It could be due to the body being worn out by low
blood levels. It has been established in other countries that
those values must be higher than what the Swedish standard
specifies. How is it that healthcare today does not see the
body as a whole. What is it that makes many elderly people
have bodies that cannot cope with loads in different ways
and why do the problems with inflammation, heart failure,
thyroid problems and mental weakness come in the form of depression
and fatigue, sometimes stress that causes problems to sleep!
All of this is actually connected in the body. But doctors
don't see it that way today. Each thing has its assessment
and the basis we do not have the ability to look at. I'm missing
a vitamin I need today! If it weren't for that, I would feel
much better. But since sleep is affected by blood shortages
(found in research), that too must be remedied! When you talk
to staff who work at Vifor Pharma Nordiska AB with medical
knowledge (see
about anemia HERE), they believe that heart failure patients
should be well above the values that the healthcare system
considers sufficient. The blood values can only be affected
by food intake or supplements of some kind. As LiveGood
Super Red for example (also look at other products such
as Super Green, Amino acid, Protein etc.)!
What does the body need? Is it primarily medication to alleviate
the symptoms that we mention to our doctors? NO! The body
needs the substances that it lacks in quantity and ratio of
what is needed, such as cannabinoids, a building block that
medicine does not talk about, found in CBD oil (without THC,
which is drug-inducing), all minerals, vitamins and enzymes.
Not found in the medicines, what is possibly prescribed are
chemically produced as a rule and not based on the natural
that is available to take advantage of in our nature.
Building a body that has resilience is the most important
thing we have to do! But worth remembering is that every body
is different from the other. There, too, the care has gone
haywire! Can't put it any other way. Norms may be a good starting
point, but you have to look at the individual. If you do not
get the expected result of an annual measure, you may have
to look outside the norm, find out if other things have shown
better results.
I have lost faith in healthcare today. There is so much gurkel
in the handling that affects. The fact that I, as a patient,
have acquired knowledge results in a comment on the side of
the medical record telling the next case manager that I have
a diagnosis of TPL (elves in the loft). Could well be established
during two visits to the emergency room to, if possible, get
help with the anemia there. But that the health care party's
representative's values, which were the same as mine, gave
a completely different result, namely acute blood transfusion
fusion. Interesting to see what is written on 1177 regarding
anemia. The comments regarding B12
deficiency are missing some symptoms in the outlay, probably
the most important, namely the impact of the mental and psychological
What happened in the emergency room makes me think a lot.
Come in at 5pm, samples are taken, lots of people, not enough
beds, am asked if I can sit in the waiting room. Yes, of course
I'm not feeling well but not so that I need a bed. stays there
and new people come in, the same people go home. At 11 p.m.
I ask if people have forgotten me, because now there are several
who left who arrived hours after me! No, so I sit down, but
have difficulty sitting still as I fall asleep in uncomfortable
positions that cause pain (an old body). When it's 1 a.m.
I give up and ask to have the needle removed. The reaction
from the nurse gives me vibes that it was exactly what was
wanted and expected. "Then you deviate, I note that."
Okay, what can I say? But any notes from the visit with a
comment that I deviated are not in my journal. Is it in their
notes on the side?
Made an attempt today, 17/7, to change the health center to
Älvdalen, but the nurse did not think that gave any better
results, especially given that they could not give injections
with the special B12 that is taken home for me. Found only
at Mora care centre.
A good source to read about what problems B-12 deficiency
creates! The medical journal
it is necessary to fight, the fight to get help with vitamin
B12 has shown. I thought for a while that I would pretty much
get the injections I need, but still no. In the near future
I thought I would have the injectable changed to cyanocobalamin,
or whatever the doctors found working for me.
Life too circumstantial to draw the whole story regarding B12
deficiency due to operation Billroth II in 1974. From the beginning
treated with psychotropic drugs and addictive medicine instead
of injections of B12. As one actually had knowledge that I would
have had. But even today, the symptoms give health care a reason
to run the same medication, for example for Vegans. In 1993,
they found out about my deficiency after the sixth suicide attempt.
A lot of people think I shouldn't talk about the fact that the
medication brought them on. In 2019, the product Behepan disappeared
from the market and the alternative did not work at all, for
at my first injection! The symptoms that appear are many and
some ruin life so badly! B12
A funny event, you could say, happened on Tuesday, January 31.
The contact with my current doctor was very good, I thought,
although at my worst mental moments (B12 symptoms) I question
a lot. But he has his superiors and systems to deal with as
well. Hyroxcoblamin
,which we have today and not Cyanocobalamin, thus does not work
well for many of us. There, the doctors have realized for me
that I need it and stated that it is available in Germany. On
license it's on its way home. The hope it creates for me is
indescribable (later a lost hope, which really makes me depressed,
I deal with finances and women, relationships, but nonchalance
in care, reminds me of the 17 years I was on drugs, due to misdiagnosis
!). Earlier this fall, I mentally struggled trying not to feel
the downs and ups. But now with the hope for the future, I thought
I should note and record my mood. I wrote that down in a letter
to my doctor. Which I would leave at the Vårdcentralen.
Seen that I got an appointment for injection 3/2. Comes up to
the ward and lämnar brevet
i receptionen. Then the phone rings from the Vårdcentralen.
The nurse says, you accidentally got an appointment on Friday!
!!!STOP!!! Must not be a mistake!
From my reaction, she realizes that I need that time!
So the day, time for injection, The night has been hell. No
sleep to speak of. Very difficult to get up. Well up, breakfast.
Out to start the car -6.1 C so no cold. Just as full, the car
won't start. Worked the day before when I went to Centrumkyrkan
to get a box of food. Battery dead, still the eye shows green.
Thankfully, the neighbors came here the night before, run over
and beg for a ride. Get assistance. While I'm waiting, I call
the automated system for booking an appointment at the Vårdcentralen,
thinking I'll probably get a phone appointment this afternoon.
But the injection time 11.00 and they will call at 11.00 I can
get a message to the nurse in time.
Waiting outside the treatment room. The patient in there has
a drop in blood pressure. Total callback, tens of people join.
I am shown into another room. In the mess, there are suddenly
two nurses with ampoules for my injection in the room! What
am I creating???
Friday's injection gives me a nice weekend as far as sleep and
constipation are concerned.
How can a vitamin stir up the body like that and you lie there
and try to relax. Trying to block out every thought or idea
that pops into your head. But also this with the stool, I feel
on Sunday that I have to resort to enemas (clyx). A lot of blood
on the paper, my feeling that something is off and is not a
hemorrhoid, is reinforced all the time. After a couple of hours
at the computer, it feels like poison is leaving the body. A
ski trip of what I think is 9 Km. Now I'll arrive by Monday.
She was 04 before sleep, the clock rings, turns off and goes
back to sleep. Hell! Up at 09.30 tired, but not down in temper.
The stomach is full of gas, a trip to the toilet. Half turn
Klyx, Just a hard bullet. Gases remain. The gases I get out
of me require strong contractions, really strong efforts are
I have started training with my skiing. Could it be that it
makes the vitamin burn faster? Because already Monday afternoon
I start to lose the joy that is usually in my body.
Until then I thought I had a plan of action according to the
doctor's way of seeing things. Not based on my reality of body
function! Perhaps would have loudly protested. But having a
doctor who suggests that he listens and believes in me I felt
was necessary and therefore did not cliché with him about
the plan of action. I have received a letter promising me injections
as soon as ampoules arrived from Germany.
I am very aware of what my positive outlook on life brings to
me and the people around me. What a disaster it created when
I didn't function like that, due to the B12 depots being emptied.
Some day when the injection of Behephan was delayed, work or
missed in the schedule. My partner at the time could usually
see and feel when the depot was empty. When people close to
you don't want to understand. Then I have had to leave them
to take care of my own life in the first place. It has meant
hostility and humiliation. But I know I'm not responsible! For
that reason I am alone today! Want to feel balance and stability
first - maybe! The longing to have someone by one's side is
All week I fight the "demons" skiing, snow shoveling.
Know I should contact the doctor to get another injection, but
know I don't have money for fuel for that trip. Jobs with websites
and daring to look ahead with network marketing companies. A
product I long for, which is released in the USA and Mexico
and which will come to Europe shortly. For people with burnout,
it has straightened out the lives of many. Whoever produced
it has himself lived with burnout and for that reason created
it! Also being presented other new products where we can connect
and build networks before the products are even public.
Realizing that I can handle the trip for the injection. Call
and get an appointment on Friday February 17 after two. Goes
in and gets the injection.
But what is it? Gets no reaction from it within the following
hours and also not further into the evening at night. You can
even think about whether I am tested with saline solution (placebo?)
to find out if I really have the reactions that I am talking
about? No, it can't be. The question is whether there are several
makes and there is a certain difference in content. On Saturday
and Sunday I have the same bad feeling I've had lately, so not
the positive reaction I usually have for four or five days!
On the contrary, I get the same reaction as when I first got
Cobalamin instead of Behephan up in Sälen. A total twisting
of the body. Mentally totally at rock bottom. The most unpleasant
thing is that everything becomes very messy in thoughts and
activities. Impossible to concentrate.
One day after another, the mood is under all criticism. Most
worrying is that the stomach does not want to work. The intestinal
system is definitely not working as it should. Pain in the intestinal
system on the right side. Typical sensation of an inflamed gut.
Where gases cannot pass as they should and neither can faeces.
The Pronax in the morning eases the pain for a few hours during
the day. At every meal, the stomach reacts in the form of regurgitation/nausea.
Often lasts from ½ hour up to an hour. Often with the
onset of a lot of acid regurgitation. During Gastroscopy, no
symptoms have been found that suggest changes, damage. The impression
I got is that I don't empty myself to the extent I should. Doesn't
seem to help with enemas either.
Physical examination of prostate enlargement has been done a
number of times. No reason to treat it. But what I can experience
is that if I go out to urinate, about ten meters, you don't
do it at the door. As soon as I have thrown water, I get strong
sensations of needing to go to the toilet for stool, have to
rush. When I immediately do my needs, I have to throw water
and twice as much as I did outside. What is the chicken and
what is the egg.
for a contact from healthcare is just too damned! Why I'm waiting!
Well, the promise was given in a letter on February 6
what do you feel when you sit here in the caravan in all your
loneliness. A mental state that makes me realize that I should
stay here and away from other people who don't know me very
well. I am not the person who usually loses control of my temper.
But I do today. Which also means that within the doors of healthcare
I would easily receive a diagnosis that could lead to forced
admission to a mental institution. Being put on forced medication
that I was born with between 1977 and 1993!
I can't believe today that I would get that medication for free!.
It is available at the pharmacy as a prescription!
3/28, samples were taken that I asked for to see where I was
in terms of Cobalamin. I see here that I am at a level just
above what is recommended for a person receiving injections
to be at. Regarding research in, among other things Netherlands.
Here at home, we have the norm up to 625 pmol/L. What I am reacting
to today is that nothing has happened in terms of conversation
and further sampling, when I see the test result of S-ferretin
which is below the reference level. Anemia usually causes fatigue
and weakness in fitness and balance. Thus, a back-up of problems
and symptoms found in B12 deficiency. The feeling I've had lately
has just been linked to sleep, fatigue, balance and fitness!
Why is it that nothing has caused communication with me? My
outrage is very dependent on this. Just considering how I was
treated after surgery in 1974 to -93, pure abuse through care
and legitimately prescribed medicine created the drug addiction
I had to suffer from and take care of. I deal with it in my
own way, with fresh thinking, determination to sort myself out
and not risk being forced into care that doesn't make me feel
better, but care is considered the only solution. It has been
seen and heard that forced mental health care replaces treatment
for B12 deficiency!
is our society headed? I strongly feel that the academic world
has left much of the working reality out of its thoughts and
reflections. if this type of situation occurs it is not written
in the books. By always relating to the written word from preschool
and all reality is based on it, we get occasions when problems
cannot be solved based on reason and our own thinking. The solution
requires what you didn't get naturally. A bus driver must keep
in mind what might be hiding behind the next bend. A carpenter
has to think how do I support this so that it will hold the
pressure of 1.20 cm of snow when winter comes. It's in books.
But it is only when you stand with the pole in your hand and
see its nature that you can make the decision.
I today 2023-05-01
is responsible for this development? Appropriate to ask the
question on Labor Day! Yes, the power! How about the knowledge
outside the written word there! Why do the moraine heaths dry
out when you have soil preparation, when it was actually meant
to favor growth. Well, you expose the stones to solar radiation
and the heat dries out the surrounding masses.
I wright 2023-05-02
a letter in the mail from my doctor!
I can imagine calling to have a conversation with the doctor.
See if I see things that he doesn't see, namely that the pharmacies
have remedies at home. Presumably I get to solve the ampoules
at my expense. Now if that's what we can use. If so, it will
be an exciting time ahead. Hopefully a spring when I can overcome
Karin Boye's problems with strength. It hurts when buds break.
Because I feel better than five days. Then I know that I also
blow over autumn's problems. The leaves are falling and I (not)
with them!
While waiting for a callback, I have time to think a lot about
on the letter yesterday, my thinking goes! The closing line,
"I know you're struggling!"? Does the doctor actually
say that I have read your website (this one)? Being even more
strengthened by it when I get in touch with the nurse who calls
up! She is ready with the answer that I have to wait for a special
fund that will arrive during the month of May! The answer is
clear, that what is available at the pharmacy is not what I
should have according to the doctors (apparently a collegial
decision). I am greatful for that. More knowledge combined more
often leads to the right decision. In any case, I will let you
know that I am awaiting word from the doctor! The only thing
that really matters to me is that I get something that works
for me and that I get back the life I had during the years when
Behapan was the vitamin supplement.
But is healthcare aware of what a lack of B12 means? Hardly,
as one relatively often chooses to take for granted that the
patient has mental health problems and should be treated with
psychotropic drugs in the first place. My insight and my handling
of my problems have made me realize that I have to take care
of myself, in order not to risk receiving forced care! That's
how bad it is. But it also means that when I don't get information
and the contacts that I reasonably need then are very much in
a catastrophic crisis for my mental well-being. A message I
see and feel makes horse lengths in my mood! Of course I don't
have a psychologist as my contact who should know my reaction.
But I have met one or two of that professional category as well.
There is a difference between someone who only has book experience
and someone who has personally experienced trauma. As in addiction
care, there is a difference between a CBT book-study and someone
who has been addicted themselves! Have met doctors who were
more psychologists than the psychologist I went to for treatment!
In today's society, we have media that are as simple and fast
as possible and do not require too much time to effect a communication
(message)! The regions should speed up development to make it
as simple as possible and within the rules of intrigue we have
created in this country. Which in the majority of cases has
been given a role that is not a protection for citizens but
an obstacle to carry out what is necessary!
How am I then? 4/5 2023
After a conversation with hope and a little cursing, the mental
will goes to the top! Suddenly there is energy that hasn't been
there in weeks. But mentally ill! So the evening continues.
Sitting down and writing this above. The evening flows by and
I lay down to sleep! Put a pan in your skull and put it on a
gas flame that burns through the night! It just bubbles and
settles. Can't be stopped. Only sometime around 03:00 sleep
manages to come! The clock rings, I fall asleep again. Have
it set to two times. Calls again, puts snooze on twice, gets
up three times just before 09. starts tinkering with the compost
bin - not the breakfast. strewn with sundries. Going to take
the medicine, oh hell Thursday, then it's the distribution of
the food box that I need at 10.00 to 10.45 desired connection
and the clock has already passed 10.10! Such is life! No energy
today. Makes me change to summer tires. But the body does not
want to participate!
With Behepan in my body, I was a person
who slept 5-6 hours a night and had no problem falling asleep,
as I have today after upsetting events, where the body was put
on high speed. Good concentration with a structured way of working.
Something I missed during the period 1974 - 1995. Started to
improve -93 when Behepanet came into being. I worked to get
back into the labor market, but no support from Af or others.
In 1997 I ended up out here where I am in the caravan today.
A journey in the sign of health started. Aware of what vitamin
B12 did to the body. That I couldn't take it up via animal products,
which is the norm. When I controlled the timing of the injections
through my mood and tried to get a structure on the lower back
between them, I was pleasantly surprised that I got longer between
them since I started drinking Noni juice (TNJ Tahitian Noni
Juce). We learned a lot about enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
Knowledge I carry with me even if I don't have designations
and names in my head. Have friends who can and know better than
me how each subject works. But the interest remains and I clearly
see the difference between medicines and nutritional supplements!
Should you know more and use them more to feel better? It is
tragic that the pharmaceutical industry controls our care through
our politicians and civil servants! Know that many doctors are
in despair over the lowest price variant which is controlled
bureaucratically and not from the medical profession. At the
same time, it does not receive education on alternative treatments
and products that are natural and not controlled by the pharmaceutical
The body should be given the chance to heal itself not to be
poisoned by chemical products that should mimic nature's original
pharmaceutical properties in our nature!
days of hell this week! Constantly day and night, I have a grumbling
in the intestinal system and quantities of gases that I am allowed
to use breath and force to push out. Stops me
it has very little effect. Don't have the finances to put more
in me. Will be without a week anyway, before retirement. But
as I said, not enough benefit. The constipation is palpable.
Forced to resort to enemas, Klyx. Then empties the entire system,
rather three dm of stool than two. Hard lumps like the larger
model stone ball, the one you got ten 1-öres for when I
played ball. What then happens to the body is a total exhaustion,
The friend with diabetes says that I react like he does when
blood sugar drops, only that mine lasts for more than four,
five hours. He regains energy after several nourishing bites.
Without the lower stomach, the entire system is emptied
I also can't understand are the movements in my stomach right
after I eat. Stomach movements are similar to hiccups but stronger
and are directly linked to the meal. I'm going to have a lot
of hydrochloric acid formation removed. But the strong regurgitation
I often get goes beyond everything else. Also causes damage
to the mucous membranes in the throat, stings like an open wound.
gratifying it is to get a little notice of what is hopefully
in the works! I know for myself how important it is. But I can
see how it is for others too! If you have ended up in a role
where trawlers and doctors consider that you have no reason
to get help or even be listened to, then pain and problems with
the body become pure hell. The respect from care in that situation
is deplorable. Have heard with my own ears how a nurse prompted
the person who answered and said, "Not a doctor NN"
As the time before was an examining doctor! With great confidence
in us! Shown reason for investigation. Also cannot understand
how a nurse should be able to prescribe a physiotherapist without
having knowledge or knowledge of the patient's bodily functions!
What does this behavior mean from ignorant, unqualified staff?
Yes, that you avoid another care recipient, who stops looking
for the help they need! Follows the goal of politicians and
bureaucrats to save money. If you are old enough and thin, you
will eventually disappear completely! Less work!
I know myself what this is like! Have been diagnosed with TPL
(elves in the loft) but also told by doctors that I was a simulant.
Af doctor saw my dilemma with the pen method! Realized that
my back gave a hell of ache. Was later corrected by "Lill-Strimma's"
masseur. My pelvis, which ended up crooked when I fell backwards
on the ice rink at the school in Älvdalsåsen in 1957.
The orthopedic department in Västerås and Falun could
only state that one leg was 1.5 cm shorter than the other. But
a self-taught masseuse and chiropractor fixed it. Although it
took six months to get it to stay in the right position! Today,
at the age of 78, I run like a gazelle.
To be tormented by pain year after year and forced to realize
that it is not possible to get help from healthcare is hell!
During all these years, I have followed my partner at the time
and learned to massage the areas caused by Fibromyalgia, a diagnosis
that Dr. Sigge Freis found. The dots moved and eventually subsided.
But other diagnoses have followed. PMR Pollymia Rheumatika,
Both of these symptoms seem to come and go! When the immune
system is low, there will be many problems with inflammatory
outcomes, frozen shoulder, etc. Then came Beltros February 2020
and it still hurts. But no follow-up from healthcare. Don't
dare to contact, because will only be sent to the physiotherapist,
who I can directly say can't do any good for it. Unless he can
investigate a deeper fault. I have a strong suspicion of a herniated
disc, or nerve inflammation based on what shingles causes in
the nervous system, which starts from the spinal center. Spreads
towards neck and neck. Neri the sciatic nerve along the leg!
Increased problems controlling urination and defecation. Approximately
one degree elevated normal temperature.
Ignoring a person's expression of aches and pains in the body
is something a health care professional would never be allowed
to question. Making a person a hypochondriac in the mind without
having a reason for it is just too DAMN. Many times there is
a relative who really has insight into how the person is really
troubled in their body. I know, better than anyone heals, how
my ex-partner suffers. I have the answer no nurse or doctor
does! Will you support her in the future, I ask the question.
Made a call to the VC! Got the recommendation to go to the emergency
room! A reasonable recommendation! Of course. because you have
pain all the time, you don't run straight to the emergency room
because the VC said so. Goes when the pain is at its worst,
any time or day.
last few days have been pure hell mentally.
What does it really depend on? The thoughts go on. Because even
physically you feel that there is no power and energy. An impact
can be the changes in nature! When buds burst and the chlorophyll
fills the leaves that only burst forth in a few days in some
cases hours and fills our surroundings with greenery! In the
times when I received Behepan I have felt this. Especially in
autumn when the leaves fall. Usually travesty a song lyric,
"The leaves fall and I with them!"
After all, the mental situation doesn't get better when you
realize that you are being treated falsely and in a certain
sense are being exploited by feelings you have built up over
35 years! Just getting to grips with your everyday life and
realizing that you are alone in life, without the friendly relationship
that you hoped to keep. It has been demolished several times
since August 2020. Now I have to face reality. Trickier to find
strength, to do it when I feel the way I do! Need B12!
If you are to be in an action plan. Am I then the one to lay
out the strategy and make sure that I feel the best way? More
than what has to do with the daily routines and the feeling
that I am doing the right thing for body and soul. I have been
told by letter that B12 has been raised and should arrive at
the end of this month. Now we are there. Is there any news I
can enjoy. Is the plan in development. At the same time, there
is an old test result that says low S-Ferritin, which has not
resulted in any action. No conversation about that either. Who
has the answers? Should it be active? I think this is something
that healthcare needs to review. Tomorrow Monday will be an
interesting day! The result was a test today, Friday. Quick
answer was B-Hb Result 131, reference 134-170, so low! Implies?
does it affect fatigue, sleep? Will be interesting to see the
rest of the answers!
Oops, Cobalamin and folic acid were not taken! I want an explanation
for that! When does it come?
I shouldn't be sad and depressed now! I live in a wonderful
environment, with really good friends. I communicate with women
who want to meet me to see if there is a future. But when my
finances don't allow for the chatting they require over a cup
of coffee, I pull out and realize that nothing will happen!
To share life with someone, you also have to see and understand
(bridge) the problems the other person has. I am about to solve
my financial problems. But there is one reason that brings me
down - the answers about my health that are not forthcoming.
I have a responsibility towards other people, here where I live,
but also towards friends I work with to create finances. But
others take their responsibility based on me and my needs. In
most cases, yes, but not from the care as I and my friends can
see it! I make sure to try to enjoy the day. That is the first
rule for feeling as good as you can. Anything that can create
depression must be dealt with with firm determination. Solve
what can be solved by your own strength and will! Nothing solves
itself as some people call on others to solve their everyday
problems! Oops, I drew a nit in Bingolotto. But I have the membership
that gives profit! Does not need to stand pulling on any wheel.
"Everyone can win" no everyone who participates is
guaranteed to win. It doesn't happen suddenly, it happens after
the time that your or other people's work creates. The faster
the more jobs you succeed in!
Tomorrow is a day of whole wheat in body and soul! Every day
effect. Yesterday worked so well with energy and activity. The
heavy mental was for a day low, So I got a lot done. Thankful
as Bengt needed all the help he could get. He is going up to
Sundsvall today and I am alone in charge of the garden.
The night! Chaos in the head at bedtime, which just spins around,
looked at the clock for the last time as far as I know, 03.00.
This means that the fatigue is so palpable and strong that when
the clock rings, I switch off and immediately fall back asleep.
Misses calling the Health Center to try to force a conversation
with the doctor. So now I sit down and write a letter to leave
directly at the reception, so it arrives as soon as possible.
Sending by post is not possible. At least two days extra delivery.
Who knows if there is mail sorting at the infirmary or does
it have to go down to Falun and turn around?
A day in the sign of hell, but I also fix it out of stubbornness
and bull baldness!
lucky that it is such wonderful weather. The weekend should
be spent so that the mental can take a back seat. A Spirea bush
that had flowered over got a new shape. Taken to the bottom
so new things sprout. Flowers in the grounds, overlook any events
in Knölsvan's nest. Seems like nothing will happen, but
she bravely fights on. Bumped up a probably incubating Partridge
(10 eggs), when I took a position for pictures of the reddish
Aspen leaves.
So it's Monday and I'm locked on the phone hoping for a call
from my doctor. But time goes by and hope fails as time goes
by! On Wednesday the letter was left here above, Was it free
last week or piled up with work, I should be up to date. It
was in February that the promise of another injection came!
Rested until the end of May. I don't know what it looks like
afterwards. If you look through the deficiency, in the research
you see mental declines, the impact on the body's functions.
How then should the person who should be in charge of measures
and information handle that information. Should the spring recipient
receive all conceivable information with such contact that worry
and unease are reduced as much as possible. Or am I wrong???
Silence, is it sticking to a plan of action?
Headache, balance not as it should be, stomach aches all the
time. Feels like I need to run to the bathroom all day. If I
sit there, I can pass gas but nothing more. Time for an enema
that ruins half a day, totally drained of energy and strength.
Getting to grips with cooking, hugely important. Actually fixed
it so that I gained a kilo in the last year.
Letter left on Wednesday. Checked that "my" doctor
was on duty today! So then I know. Post delivery today, let's
check if any letters have steamed down in the box. But the transport
time is long on Regionsbrev. To be managed centrally as far
as I know. Then we have Postnord with the same structures! Managers
who know nothing about what they are put in charge of!
goes on in the same spirit!
June I received a long-awaited injection! How long did it work,
if I am to analyze my own state of mind? Almost three weeks!
The first OrsaYran I am out documenting, but I miss the second
one. Memory, concentration, split vision have then started to
be affected. After that, more planning is required, more reminders
of activities to be carried out. I celebrate my birthday at
OrsaYran, so wonderful to be there and feel a community. Many
come forward and thank me for my documentation! Today you are
a celebrity there. Just have to give back and show more of what
I want to work with if health and finances allow. On the side
of all this, positive things are happening that I will showcase
in the future. I also miss the third OrsaYran, this kind of
thing is extremely tragic. Who is Responsible?
I make contacts in healthcare but get no helpful results. After
all, I get a very strong feeling that in their medical records
there are hidden codes that will keep me away from the help
I need. I know through my studies that a lot of my problems
with stomach, intestines come from the B12 deficiency, look
for it but referred measures are cancelled. On my own initiative
(found out at the emergency room), I reduce the intake of Trombyl
(blood thinner), as it can cause minor bleeding in the intestinal
system. The Health Care Party's representative in Mora shows
basically the same values that I have in terms of Ferrite and
B-Hb, he gets fusion, not me! My writing here hardly helps me.
But what happened recently has to come out! It's about abuse
and torture in a simple form!
I have to wait until August 18 to get the next injection. So
I guess you add three months to the next one. Although the depots
are completely empty and according to the research need to be
supported with extra injections to regain their durability!
The caregiver's physical impact, mental and physical health,
must be the starting point. In fact, I hope that I can solve
my problem all by myself in the future, with my own injections.
In connection with the upcoming injection, samples must also
be taken. Will be very interesting if the IRON pills really
give any results on B-Hb and Ferrite. Do I basically have the
same values, then it's good that I got the injection before
I can see! Otherwise I explode! I can control my temper as I
want it to be. Calm and pleasant no psychodrama!
a doctor, can you answer why the body is quickly wasting away
and getting signs of ailments it didn't have as long as my B12
injections were working. But had much the same impact in the
years 1977 to -93. In the end, the heart problems appear more
often - fibrillation (research shows it. The balance, the difference
is noticeable after an injection. Migraines, often otherwise
largely non-existent. After heavy physical exertion, it wants
to appear sometimes.
If the failure to give injections is deliberate, then what is
this to consider? I see it as torture! I KNOW I don't have to
feel this way. But forced to live with it because healthcare
has set rules that in both articles in the medical journal and
in research published in the host say that they are incorrect
decisions based on the individual!
August 18, I received an injection of the above-mentioned B12
Injection. Today, Monday, I can reflect on the changes! Tragically,
they haven't arrived the way I was used to with Behepan. What
could be the reason? What do the depots say? How are the other
blood values? I am not an expert on the values of the various
samples taken. But can state the following:
the meantime, took iron supplements in the form of tablets Betolvex
and the last month Deroferon.
How come I am not getting better results? From what I've read,
I know! My surgery in 1974 Billroth II removed the greatest
The problems I am talking about that I have in the intestinal
system, probably caused by the B12 deficiency. Claimed in some
research abroad. My well-being is neglected, my values as well.
Based on the fact that I have been forced into injections for
many years, the body apparently cannot cope with the standard
values set by Swedish healthcare. After all, they are based
on the average individual. We are not average individuals. Especially
if major interventions have been made in organs that have changed
the conditions. What does a doctor know about each individual's
need for volume in the depots? It is claimed that my Cobalamin
value should be above 900 pmol/L (see reference range). What
opportunities do I have for help in healthcare? As I see it
today, none at all!
What does this mean for my body? Yes, that the majority of functions
are burned out! I experience the balance, feel the heart, the
mental part and the ability to concentrate, think. Just feeling
that the coordination on the keyboard doesn't work as it should,
takes longer to type here. It's a disaster when you want to
accomplish something so that music lovers can see my photos
from OrsaYran. More, more must be up. But the life that has
been also feels important to me.
you aware of what ~Medical gaslighting - B12/deficiency~ is?
sit with tears in my eyes. Hope is back in more ways than one.
Can I get some of my bodily function back! My doctor called
and gives me hope that I will get the help I need. Samples that
might tell more, which I really hope the answer doesn't say.
But if the thyroid has reacted negatively, that's how it is
and then we have to do something about it. Blood fusion is the
first thing that is tried. My hope to end the chaos in this
head, escape the mental stress, regain balance, escape restless
and migraine. Imagine regaining the ability to work here at
the computer with full concentration, remembering what and how
I sorted files and links, the day before. Produced the images
for the websites. Get the mindset clear from one day to the
next! More to come!
Do you have the right to feel happiness despite the mental well-being
that the body delivers from the inside, yes of course, that's
what I have to make sure I feel in this life. Despite everything
that has been, my generation has experienced the best age imaginable!
treatment and based on time, planning!
Is it intended to harm me or terrorize
Should I act outside of care?
What I cannot understand today. It is that a person in need
of a blood transfusion is allowed to wait for days and even
weeks! When it actually turns out that the deficiency has affected
the mood in more than one way for a long time. I ask myself
why! There can be several reasons. But if I look at the time
required to perform the action, it doesn't take long. But get
the feeling that administratively a time is set that in other
activities in, for example, industry would never be handled
in that way. Take the car repair shop for example. Remember
in healthcare it is about treating the human body. It lives
and develops provided it is handled well and receives the care
it needs! Today I ask myself the question, is this how care
takes care of all symptoms! We have wonderful care in terms
of surgery, to see a friend go in emergency with arm pain and
a few days later to hear that he is on his way back to his company,
it is wonderful. But to see a woman suffering from pain and
being treated according to the symptomatic treatment Medical
gaslighting it upsets me! Going back to the car, we know that
if you drive a car into the workshop, the mechanic will put
most things aside to investigate the fault. Whether it is then
allowed to stand or scrapped is of little importance to the
car's value or living conditions! If it can be fixed, it does
not matter when it is done, apart from the convenience of the
owner! Is it different with the human body? Yes definitely.
Look at the heart, treated too late and life cannot be saved.
Are human lives more important than the car's? Yes, definitely,
the car is just steel and sheet metal, maybe someone likes it.
But the person who is harmed by maltreatment or nonchalant treatment
usually has people around him who want to see the person live
on without pain and a withering body. Created by missed treatment.
See it happening to my body. But why do we take better care
of a puncture than pain for three years? But, who are responsible?
If I call the health center and am rejected, what is the reason?
To a great extent, it is likely that care seekers have complaints
that are realistic to express? Let's say 1/10 don't have it,
is it even right to reject it on those premises? Who gets to
decide who is and isn't. Hardly a telephone voice in a switchboard!
Through all the years from 1979 I have encountered it often,
unfortunately. How much does this have to do with planning and
committing time and resources? During the entire time I was
connected to X-rays through my then wife, I had thoughts about
examinations with emergency reception. But only much later were
the routines changed and a more ongoing examination routine
came into force! Is it possible to do more? In other departments?
Or are you stuck in patterns that are all too comfortable and
give stress as a reason for not daring to change. Which has
motivated many to think and believe that they should go in with
private care instead of the so-called public care. As craftsmen,
you love when you have done a job, even with the stress you
yourself created to get it done. The requirement for safety
and security is found in all occupational categories!
Sitting here trying to work on my OrsaYran pages. Not going
well. Despite a good night's sleep, I'm sitting here falling
To feel that due to one's bodily shortcomings one has major
problems with the metal piece and sees that it is totally disregarded
as a measure to give a person a part of life back. If anything,
it creates a severe depression. I know what it led to earlier
in life, during that time the health care system fed me drugs
and psychopharmaceuticals instead of what I need even now! I
have no reason to want to kill myself. Have too many fun things
to do. Do what I can to take advantage of life even if the previous
condition created a bad pension. I know what life has to offer!
Loneliness is a big deal for many people today. You can see
that on the dating sites. Been in one for a year now. Was able
to calculate that the visits to my profile have given the company
about SEK 500,000. I haven't had the economy to talk to the
extent that the women want before they say they want to have
a meeting over a cup of coffee. But have gained a good insight
into how many women live today. But that the biggest problem
has become a fear of meeting new people. Does it have to do
with the fact that they are meeting men?
I gave up and am waiting until the right opportunity presents
itself. But I can remain and marvel at the interest in me and,
unfortunately, pity many who have problems with their loneliness
and their needs.
Can I, should I, live well in the life I have around me? Grönängen!
Is it life, health or society I should question - DEPRESSION?
I look at "Fråga
doktorn" SVT-Swedish Television, was
about examination with ultrasound. As a photographer and ex-husband
of an X-ray nurse, you have some insight and knowledge of how
these work. I know that my problems with the retching right
after eating could be seen and a possible analysis could be
done. You can also see things about changes and unusual movements
in the intestinal system which could be documented. Whether
you could then do something based on that can be questioned.
Finally, I have a rectum where I claim there is something obstructing
the passage and gas in the form of a pocket or growth. My four
hemorrhoid surgeries were done with a knife. Shouldn't have
been more than two to allow the end muscle to retain much of
its elasticity and strength. Any surgery of that, I think could
use some kind of peephole surgery. Suggested ultrasound to the
emergency doctor regarding the stomach. But he was refused the
referral he had given for me. There I think that it is clearly
a matter of a note in the medical record with what we, in other
words, give the diagnosis Medical
What do you do to get a reaction? Closing this and saying I
have nothing bad to say about all these years in healthcare
from 1977 to now! Or should the debate be opened on one page
of a newspaper, why not on TV? Is there any reporter who is
interested in standing up for a number of care recipients who
have had surgery for weight loss who today have the same problem
as I have getting vitamins and lead as we literally cannot take
it up the normal way.
Now I call and demand to speak with the doctor!
Requires immediate action. Let's see if I will get to talk to
the doctor and when!
Report coming!
I had an appointment for fusion and injection, so it was done.
I demanded to speak to the doctor and as he was not in the ward
until Tuesday September 5th. I knew I had an appointment on
September 20th (see above), I won't wait that long!
Pick up the mail. In the mailbox is an open letter that tells
about that time. The letter was written on August 22nd and arrives
on September 1st. Who is to blame is hard to say. It could be
that Postnord has delivered in the wrong box. Hence opened.
If the person concerned was not guilty of leaving it with me,
then so be it. I would get it in time anyway!
Then it just
dawned on me that I would drop my glasses in the stream too! Now
ÖoB glasses can work! Didn't have crap insurance!
Yes, the hour of waiting has passed. Lost my head three times.
The fatigue is knocking me out! (blodbrist
) anemia and B12 deficiency there you talk about the symptoms
in Swedish! But my doctor denies that I have this problem! Or
that it is due to some OTHER ERROR, but can't say what and doesn't
want to investigate.
I have then seen the result of my conversation with the doctor.
Wait another 7 days, so get 7 days earlier. When you read people's
struggles and many people's insight and knowledge, how divided
the medical profession really is and that those who primarily
look to the individual's well-being and not to reference numbers
that are for the norm and not the non-norm that we who receive
injections need to be treated for! Then you get scared and of
course it has to do with the fact that many doctors admit that
the individual knows more than the doctor and then you simply
give up. I know, as a doctor I am right. I don't need to use
my intelligence and think about how bodies work. As a doctor,
I have not been taught that. Because then I wouldn't hand out
medicines the way I do, but work so that people ate nutrient-enriching
products instead.
I'm diagnosed as mentally disturbed. Of other things than my
bodily internal imbalance in the form of what builds the body
in the form of cells and other essentials, hormones and enzymes.
The body's internal functions are controlled by the production
of blood cells, vitamins and minerals. If you cannot take it
up naturally, balances and levels are also disturbed. Some tests
suggest this. Tests where it was realized with tablets that
by giving a placebo the desired effect was obtained. The levels
have dropped from high levels to ordinary levels and the care
recipient has had negative consequences. When increased by returning
to vitamin supplements, the mental function has returned. They
have not been able to get injection fluid to do the same test,
but for the reason that you have to have a form of red color
that is visible in the urine and reveals the experiment.
I'm sitting here four hours after the injection!
Of course, I wished I had felt what I feel now already 5 weeks
ago when I expressed the desire to have the injection. What
happens in the body in a few hours is completely inexplicable!
I should be an object of care with conversations about how I
experience these things, I should be a lecturer for doctors
who have little experience with these things and especially
for those who have patients who received B12 injections for
some time. For those who have patients who have undergone an
operation that affects the absorption of B12 and other substances
important for health. The majority of those who have surgery
for weight reduction have often lost the ability to naturally
absorb e.g. B12. How many doctors are as ignorant as my doctors
were in the 70s, 80s. Especially the doctor who was my faithful
district doctor. To this day, he still doesn't see his mistake.
Denies that B12 is of great importance for mental well-being.
Like many doctors who are active in healthcare today. I have
seen that people are sent to Sæter for forced care, When
you should first examine vitamin and mineral balances to support
the body's own self-healing.
day I'm online I get new insights into what B12 does for our
body. Below is a video that tells about saving lives with B12
during heart surgery. That the research shows how infections
and bacteria are broken down during treatment with B12. Unfortunately,
it's an advertising piece first that I can't get rid of, which
we in Sweden are not interested in. It is likely that the entire
video will have finished playing by the time you get there.
Withdraw the maneuver function, you will then avoid the advertising.
Try to understand!
video describes how B12-vitamins save life for heart patient!
here on, I will not post any documents, copies of letters or
the like. Only text that I have written myself. My own comments
on what is happening/happened!
we then got some test answers! To me they show a lot. Unfortunately,
I realize that the doctors do not see the same thing. As we
have different views on what makes sense for a person who has
had injections of B12 for a long time and as the value on the
graph shows for B-Hb and S-Ferritin, these values do not increase
even though I have taken iron tablets orally for 3 months time,
not sure if Ferritin is changed by that intake. According to
what I have been informed about, I am in any case too low as
hell. Would be interesting with a trial value today, or a week
after depositing the fusion. If the values do not change over
time when iron has been taken orally, it probably means that
I have trouble absorbing it as well due to either the Billroth
II operation or that infections or the like means that the intestine
does not have full absorption capacity. Based on the video on
the treatment of heart problems, it is assumed that B12, reduces
infections, reduces bacteria, means? what do you say as a doctor
and have come to this reading?
Briefly about ferritin
and iron deficiency
is a health company that checks you if you are
not satisfied with the healthcenter
is used by the body to store iron.
Iron deficiency often occurs before symptoms such
as blood deficiency (anemia) appear up and can be
detected with a ferritin test
Iron deficiency should be
suspected the ferritin
value is less than 30 µg/l.
old person with heart decises, is research claims
it should be 60–100
day I'm online I get new insights into what B12 does for our
body. Below is a video that tells about saving lives with B12
during heart surgery. That the research shows how infections
and bacteria are broken down during treatment with B12. Unfortunately,
it's an advertising piece first that I can't get rid of, which
we in Sweden are not interested in. It is likely that the entire
video will have finished playing by the time you get there.
Withdraw the maneuver function, you will then avoid the advertising.
Try to understand!
Pleasantly surprised, but we had talked about it. Follow-up
phone call from my doctor. Wondered how it was with me. Says
as I feel, –"absolutely fantastic. Only wish I had
measured like this six weeks ago". –"What about
restlegg's legs?" Gone, like ringing in the ears, but best
of all the balance, don't stumble." Talking about planning
and he says "you want B12 as often as you can!" Quickly
strongly expressed from me. "No absolutely not, I want
when the body says that I'm on my way down. My body has the
ability to express it and I want to pay attention to it. Maj-Britt
had the ability to pay attention to that." Now I get a
response, hear that he understands what I mean and that I'm
not looking for something I don't need. But that the goal is
only to feel good and have a functioning body .Where B12 must
not be something that brings me down, psychologically, physically
and mentally.
2023-10-03 00.25
Feels unbelievably good and has gotten a whole lot done at the
computer in the last few days, much of what I missed in my head
is back, inspiration, concentration, split vision and being
able to remember what you did the day before, sort files and
create a summary. Now I want to move on and try to get my stomach,
intestines and rectum in order, with muscle. Letter to the doctor,
cheeky and requesting ultrasound. Let's see what happens!
Sampling today! Good host and the doctor is sure to be happy.
But from my acquired knowledge, I could have placed higher as
far as S-Cobalamin is concerned.
RID/LID: 49549188 –S-Ferritin,
S-Cobalamin, B-Hb
Analysis Results and comments
* marks results outside the reference range
S-Ferritin Reference range: 20–250
534 ug/L *
S-Cobalamin Reference range: 180–25
489 pmol/L
B-Hb Reference range: 134–170
143 g/L
ReThat the Ferritin is high is recovering from the fusion I
received on 9/13. So it has also been beneficial. I have a completely
different life compared to the three months before. Work at
the computer goes like a dance. Wondering how many people have
similar problems that could easily be removed. What are we doing
with life, dear doctors. How many end up in a psychiatric clinic,
fed happy pills, when it is a higher Cobalamin value that solves
the problem results and comments
* marks results outside the reference range
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Part 1 and 2, B12 decises
Part 2 actually shows more important symptoms. Such as those for the stomach,
intestines, infections and finally the feces.